Working in IT means daily confrontations with the English language. Technical specification here, API doc there, every second google search result, talks and contact with other developers, and so on. And of all that in English 🤯
And for most of us, working in this industry, this is a piece of 🍰. But here and then it’s nice to relay on some good old fashioned grammar check. We here at Digio are super happy that we can count on Grammarly during our daily business.
Grammarly is from our point of view one of the best grammar checks available. Within minutes one can set up an account with all its integrations for desktop and smartphone. And then at the tip of your fingers, you have an instant assistant that shows you all the mistakes and errors. Further on, you get a weekly mail with stats of your biggest grammar-sins and tips on how to improve yourself. And in no time you can see progress.
So for all of you out there and here in Switzerland that are not natively speaking English, get Grammarly as we did at Digio. Happy writing